1. akrasaic, no body is drafting these people to join up for these immoral, illegal wars. Of course the systemically induced pressures of poverty and meaninglessness do make “service” of this kind look like an attractive option. But those who sign up for this barbarism are a bit different than the passive lot of people who pay the taxes that fund it.

  2. Everyone has a choice – not in being gay, but in serving in the American War Machine. It’s time to wake up and tell the War Mongers that have bankrupted American morally and fiscally to fuck off.

  3. That is a half-truth. You are using the unlawful and atrocious wars of the Bush Presidency (and now Obama’s) as a blanket to cover everyone who serves. It is unfair to those who serve that are not any more complicit than an ordinary citizen. An out of control military-industrial-complex is the collective fault of our leaders and the electorate.

  4. It’s called the Truth – Keep bringing it…!

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