1. “Sure, Obama’s indistinguishable from Romney in terms of policy and fealty to his corporate overlords, but have you seen him slow-jam the news? He’s got such a sexy tone!”

  2. There is nothing to celebrate here. Nothing. And if ya’ll voted for this criminal, nobody to blame but yourself. We have choices. We just don’t take advantage of them. So please for my sake, stop whining, the dog-whistle pitch is hurting my ears.

    What’s so funny about getting your asses on the streets to fight for peace, love and understanding?

    1. I voted for Gary Johnson. And for marijuana legalization in Colorado, which passed…. and is a necessary step in the ongoing decriminalization of the status quo American mindset.

  3. America has two choices, Coke or Pepsi. Rots your teeth, intestines, bones and all the rest. Even if Americans wanted, they could not have juice, water, milk, or any nutritional beverage. At some point, a steady diet of sugar fizz water is going to make this rotting country keel over.

    America needs to get some healthy choices on the menu before it is too late. How do you do this? That is up to Americans to decide.

  4. Fish, you’re take is too negative, over the top, and counter productive. Yes, I agree with your point about the terrible results of war. A predictable result? Yes, innocent children die. But what about all the innocent children who won’t die way into the future because of Obama care? It would be nice, but in this life I never expect to “have it all, all the time.” I think you may be looking for a “saint” president. I certainly don’t see a “saint” Obama. What about a complex toon show the conflicts, ambiguities, and confusions of shepherding the US. Not easy.

    1. How’s that Universal Healthcare working out for America? Oh, wait a minute – we’re the only first world country (we don’t include Florida, of course) that isn’t capable of providing Universal Healthcare for its citizens. The U.S. is too busy spending and making boatloads of money bombing the enemy du jour, which for the past decade has been Muslims. About the best that can be said of Obomber is that he’s the lesser of two weasels.

  5. But Dwayne ! Just remember that this is the best of all possible worlds !…


  6. Like Charles Manson said:

    I can’t dislike you, but I will say this to you: you haven’t got long before you are all going to kill yourselves, because you are all crazy. And you can project it back at me, but I am only what lives inside each and every one of you.

    Forward to Oblivion!

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