


  1. I knew that’s what I was promising when I refused to say “the pledge” anymore in school, I knew it. I wish you had used adults here though, Fish. I get your point, we’re brainwashing every single little brain we can get our little bubbly, soapy paws on, but kids are still way smarter than adults are: until we fix them all up and teach them how to be logical and grow the hell up already! “Inside the lines, Jimmy, aim inside the lines, pussy.”

  2. And to further the little types on their future military careers, we’ll make sure the odds of them getting something else are dim.

  3. Won’t be easy to live up to all that hype, but as long as the US federal government can maintain a budget in which some 52 % is devoted to the military and (in)security establishments, they’ll have at least a sporting chance !…


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