1. I was not disappointed by Obama. I was way past adolescence and the misty eyed belief in the ability of anything of truth to be conveyed to the public through advertising.

    He has totally lived down to my expectations.

    I have yet to be apologized to by those who berated my pre-election appraisal of him as a defect in my character.

  2. It makes me weep openly…

    1. Why is he your savior or daddy? You know that’s not Morgan Freeman, don’t you?

  3. Yep – hard to believe it started off with a Noble Piece Prize – and he looks so noble in this cartoon. I loved the cartoon with him and Martin Luther King, it was so right on!

  4. well said. I am almost too ashamed to admit how disappointed i am.
    Not that i figured O to be some kind of politic messiah. But come on…

    And it’s as if he’s learned nothing from Flash Dance….er, i mean his First Term.

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