1. Perfect!

  2. Maybe Malcolm X really did come back as a white IT geek turned whistleblower.

    1. beautiful!

      thank you

  3. Indeed! All systems crumble from within, and Snowden is doing a great and noble service.

    IF ONLY he displayed a little more honor in his actions. He, and Assange, need to walk arm in arm into the halls of the Justice Dept; drop every piece of critical info they have, tell the world why they did it, and then face the public they claim so passionately to want to defend.

    Then they can serve their time. Eventually they would then end up being the Hero’s that they are (see Ellsberg). Instead, with every shadow he lurks in and with each dribble of information, he becomes more and more like the villains he chooses to expose.

    As a one time comic performer, Snowden is dangerously close to the heckler who interrupts the comic. And then when the comic says, “Ok, what’s on your mind?” the heckler shuts up and then blames the comic for “silencing” him. Come on Eric!

    But Fish: Great work! I know the only 5th you would take requires just a dash of water and one ice cube!

    1. If only he would have agreed to be tortured like Bradley Manning, boxcar, then you’d care more about the lies our government is telling us?

      I wish I had a dollar for every time I see, “If only Snowden were a more noble hero, then I might pay attention to the massive spying (and lying about lying about the spying) that has escalated under President Bush-Cheney and under President Hope I Change.”

      P.S. See what Ellsberg had to say about Snowden. And Thomas Drake. And John Kiriakou.

    2. Yes, Snowden should turn himself in as soon as they let Bradley Manning go. Or when hell freezes over.

      Turn off your TV. It’s bad for your brain cells.

      1. hhmm, Mr Glen. You make me pause and ponder. When i was first writing my post i had a “Casablanca” thing in my head. I sensed there was a cool simile between the two that i could wow the clowncrack crowd with!

        I couldn’t find one. Or, more honestly, i couldn’t find the one i was looking for. The one that fit with the point i wanted to make. So i bailed. (I was thinking the Victor Laszlo character was Snowden in some sort of way).

        But now, of course, the obvious call is – who else? Rick Blaine himself. The fugitive. In a seedy port town, but one with a dash of bitchin cool! He fights the fight while laying just beyond the reach of the law.

        I do still think Snowden should turn himself in. He should make known everything he has before doing so. But once he has divulged everything, what’s left for him to do? Go work at Kinko’s in Ecuador? Once he tells his tale he needs to continue the conversation. In the courts.
        peace. box.

        1. Never surrender.

          There is no justice in the future for Snowden, only torture, solitary confinement, and life imprisonment. He will disappear from the media just as Bradley Manning has.

          He knows this better than anyone on the outside of the security state. This is not about his future and personal recognition. He will be very fortunate to live, even if in obscurity.

          His only possible regret, Snowden stated, for this sacrifice is that nothing changes for the better.

          Senator Durbin wants to require journalists to have a license, an approval by the State, before you can report on the State. Total Information Awareness is here. Very Totalitarian, to use the language of the power elite.

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