1. Just what I’ve been thinking. Fucking genius.

  2. I’m very careful to avoid charges of anti-Semitism.

    Whenever I see horrible crimes against humanity, I pause before voicing outrage just in case the perpetrator is a Zionist, doing only what comes natural to him.

    Zionists can’t help it because of the way they were raised.

    Some poorly educated White people still want to treat Blacks the same way the Founding Fathers did, for reasons as poor as the Zionists have for treating Palestinians as they do .

    1. Sorry, but when has ignorance ever been an excuse? Hitler was a product of his upbringing too. We all are. I despise the Zionist argument as much as the example of “some poorly educated white people…” My mother is a raging Jewish, holocaust surviving racist. An oxymoron at worst; a brilliant idea for a graphic novel, Maus, at best. We were even raised Orthodox. But my siblings and I are not controlled or crippled by our childhood lessons. Quite the opposite as you might have gleaned by now. We are not our mother. She and the Rabbi were our moral authorities in our formative years. And I HAVE TO SAY, “anybody, ANYBODY has the capacity to question authority at any time in their life and learn.” So let’s quickly educate from that viewpoint because if you’re argument is sincere, it’s hopeless and gives “a pass” to hatred.

  3. When Genocide is Permissible…. or just look at the Old Testament – a genocidal document if there ever was one.

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