1. I am still Charlie Butthole!!!

  2. Radical Islam is the Saudi version of the American GOP and the Moral Majority. Relying on religious leaders for political power is a stupid, dangerous, lazy way of governing. European history is a long scream against mingling religion and government. American rebels built a thick wall between Church and State after they escaped the slaughter. Now, the euro-Christians, Jihadists and Zionists have oozed back into power and recommenced their religious war with their fraternal rivals.

  3. I am Charlie Butthole!!!

  4. depriving others elective will because we in the west can only ascribe ourselves with prime mover agency is pernicious imperialism

  5. The US has been waging a crusade against Muslims–as George W. Bush unwisely uttered and retracted after an inappropriate spate of truth-speaking–for decades.

    The inability or unwillingness of Muslims to avenge their millions of dead over the decades of crusades amounts to a futile striking back at a taunt after taking a humiliating beating.

    I don’t find it wise or charitable in the least to taunt someone who has reason enough to hate and yet is precariously balanced enough by reason to use restraint.

    MLK Jr. never thought law could make whites love people of color, but hoped law could make whites refrain from hatred inspired activities.


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