1. But like Chauncey Gardener, of the movie “Being There”, the vast majority will just point their remote control and push buttons looking for a screen full of something more palatable and to their taste.

  2. Sharks and alligators serve a function in nature. They are not greedy and malicious, despite Steven Spielberg’s ‘Jaws’. These creatures help maintain a balance in nature. As for the distinction between virtual and real dissent, read Assange’s ‘When Google Met Wikileaks’ and know that the perveyors of virtuality carry a big scythe that does not distinguish between man, woman and child. Further, these perveyors have have made bigger election contributions than arms manufacturers. The death the big virtualites facilitate is real. Yet, our societies blindly support these vast entities and other commercial interests behind the destruction of the environment, people in far off lands and ourselves. The lemmings are charging for the cliff and carrying us along for the ride, whether we like it or not.

    Oh hey, nice website facelift by the way, looks slick!

  3. Do I dare post a comment ?…


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