1. Too funny..now I know why you’re so butthurt lately. I’m so sorry. I was also convinced she was going to win by cheating..you know..like Obama did. But he was black..so
    Yeah. Racist if we didn’t vote him in.

  2. Since when has a significant portion of the US public cared what the rest of the world has thought about the country’s leaders ? Hasn’t it rather been a case of «my way or the highway» (the «highway» in question being bombs and drones and CIA coups d’état) ?…


  3. The entire charade is beyond fucking depressing. But thanks for the brilliant work, Mr. Fish.

  4. Are you living at the drawing table these days? Holy shit!

  5. Ah… politics. Maggots, yet, thrive in sterile environs comparitively.

  6. WOW…

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