1. the american populace simply emulates how their government solves its disagreements with other countries – mass-murder…

  2. The solution is obvious, everybody – from kindergartners to schoolchildren to the retired – should carry an loaded AK 47 (robust, easy to use and repair) at all times, not least when on the dance floor and parents should be responsible for training their children in their use. Ammunition should be available in vending machines in all public venues. Pacifists should be shot….


  3. Still waiting for Lady Liberty in NY Harbor to be supplanted by a similar sized rendition of an AR 15 to reflect the real values of the greater populace Amerika.

  4. We just need to take their guns away, then their heads will explode all by themselves. No need to perpetuate violence on them.

  5. The murder to end all murders, like the war to end all wars, seems another concept vulnerable to be oversold to bad effect.

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