1. The Great US Presidential Election Scam of 2016 – following the Great US Presidential Election Scams of 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, etc. Remember the words of George Carlin, regarding voting.

  2. That’s maven of death, although, maybe his/her name is Magen. How poetic mistakes can be.

    1. To me it feels as if we are all dumbfounded, watching a nuclear holocaust being deliberately set up before our very eyes, shell-shocked or in some kind of collective trance (including almost the entire “internet left” which is eternally talking around everything and keeps saying “we need”… such and such).

  3. When does Donald Trump’s chief domestic policy advisor get to grab Hillary’s chief foreign policy officer’s pussy? You know her Magen of death is a woman, she just likes to wear men’s clothes so she doesn’t get sexually violated.

    1. I thought the top foreign policy advisor to Ms Clinton’s campaign was Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan. Am I misinformed, or does he have a pussy, as well other external genitals ?…


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