1. Totally groovy Dwayno!

    Tell you wife I work at ESF Camp Main office in Haverford.

  2. I got caught up in your interview .. the 1st para of background maybe coulda slid around .. being such a of CSNY I stuck in there .. good get ie story/interview .. then I realized and wondered who are you .. how old is that pic in the RHcorner?

    art has shaped the world tiny snail steps .. too bad it has such slow influence

    wanna story concept .. I was just asked whats wrong with the VCR clocks .. been that way for weeks .. I notice being a A/V geek .. I had to explain (little known fact) the machines (VCR) clock is set by a chip of data that Americas Washington DC and some folks that had to get their name in the record books for an accomplishment .. changed daylightsavingstime and the chip doesn’t know that .. further I have another machine that jumped the wrong way getting info (I think) half reading data from the stream and half from the chip .. damn imperialist America changing time for an hour of light during shopping hours .. one of these days the nukes aren’t going to know whats going on .. I’ll change them after the old standard date .. when is that?

    have a nice day .. ps I’m a Greg of June 1958

  3. great interview. thanks for that, mr. fish.
    a good way to start the weekend

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