1. I don’t see this as a comment on the choice of leaders. I see it is a report on how far ‘murka has slid from its professed ideals. The America that won Ww2 is a far, far different thing from the empire the preznits mentioned here have created. That’s the regrettable fact.

  2. I think you guys are blaming the victims.

    I think most Americans, like most Canadians and most people the world over, are as honest and well-intentioned as they can be, under the circumstances…

    1. Socrates: Tell me, is it true that no man knowingly does wrong?

  3. I think most people vote like they choose/support sports teams. Once they’ve chosen a team to like, Republican or Democrate in this case, they stick with them come hell or high water. The reason it does not matter what you show Bush supporters is because when their ‘team’ was in charge, they were happy that they had ‘won’, and therefore did not need to pay any attention to what their ‘team’ actually did. Witness how they now go apeshit over Obama. Suddenly they are on the losing ‘team’ and now they have to pay attention to & criticize everything Obama does, simply because he is not on the ‘team’ they choose. Once someone with a (R) after their last name gets back in charge they will once again become oblivious to everything their ‘team’ does, I mean after all, their ‘team’ won again right? Everything will all now be somehow magically wonderful and if anything bad does happen, just blame the opposition. Afterall, it can’t possibly be your ‘teams’ fault – your guys are #1.

  4. Mr. Fish, you (and me) maybe have to accept the fact that most people actually want these leaders. All the national and foreign policies, all the proxy wars and acquisition of foreign natural resources at the barrel of a gun–these things US citizens support. I spoke with Bush voters and they firmly believe Al Queda is in Iraq and US forces need to be there to route them out. Ditto for Afghanistan. If Americans hold this conviction in their hearts–and judging by the way people vote en masse, what can be done? Up in Canada the Conservative party is soaring to new heights. They took a long-term neutral stance on the Israel/Palestine conflict and went pro-Israel under conservative leader Stephen Harper. I certainly did not vote him in. But most Canadians seem to want him–sure the majority did not vote him in–but he’s in power and Canadians accept this. What is the other alternative, the other, more underhanded candidates?

    Discussions with Americans who voted Bush was an eye-opener. You can haul out all the documents you want, show Michael Moore films, Gore Vidal, Chomsky, Lewis Lapham, whatever–nothing happens. I think most Americans like the way things are, fully acknowledge their government doings and give full support. Perhaps the target of your cartoons need not be leaders, but those who put them in power.

  5. Too true !

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