1. Hurrah! So true! My so-called liberal friends have been making me exceedingly ill with insisting that I must vote for Barack O’bomber tomorrow, just as I did in 2008 when I was still a sliver shy of innocent and did haplessly swoon for the steely, swank charm and wit he exuded on queue, a skill so often associated with accredited sociopaths, as if he’d had only a moment to wipe a child’s blood and viscera from his chin before the curtain fell and his seamlessly indoctrinated multitudes all-hailed him as incapable of evil, imagine! Was there ever a time when such a suave purveyor of genocide so effortlessly scooped up his Peace Prize to the glee of the luckless lemmings not yet on his Kill List?

  2. Wow – Just Fucking Wow…! You’re really in big-time trouble now with all those hacks over at the laughably servile mainstream media outlets. Brian Williams, Chuck Todd, and Chris Matthews might never speak to you again… And they all promise to discuss the real issues at the next debate. Transparent Democracy full steam ahead!

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