1. I think it was almost a century ago when a teacher went on a rampage and offed his own students and the school building. Last week’s targedy is not unprecedented.

    According to CNN.com, teachers are now allowed to bring firearms to school: http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c2#/video/us/2012/12/18/dnt-tx-teachers-carrying-guns.kauz

    I remember kids rooting through the teachers desk when s/he stepped out to go the can or get a coffee. Now there’s something worth stealing.

  2. “If there is hope . . . it lies in the proles” (George Orwell).

  3. I am so thankful that I am not an American.

  4. The distinction being that Evil has the better hair ?…


  5. The Elites seem immune to Trickle Down Violence in America… As long as the proles don’t hold national war criminals accountable, the shit will keep rolling down hill.

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