1. Stop that! I’m gonna have nightmares.

    Just kidding. I’m already having them, and it’s not because of you.

  2. Absolutely first rate!

    Deserving of a pullitzer but dont hold your breath.

    I’ve put this in my electronic ‘vault’

  3. Aaahh…..and he’s waay out front.

  4. Dear Koz, When I don’t understand things your comments enlighten me and sometimes are poetry to match the picture. But I still don’t get this one unless it’s the old story that people are only going to see breasts and not reality. Turn the light on and thanks.

    1. Dear Max, Mr. Fish is light years beyond my understanding, and I certainly don’t have a clue as to his Creepy Uncle work of art. But given the fact that it’s Uncle Sam, there has to be a nuclear warhead penis in there somewhere. At least one would think. More Fish – Less Koz.

  5. Does Sam have a nuclear warhead for a penis….?

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