1. What I especially appreciate about dear Mr Obama is his total dedication to the truth, in striking contrast to the current occupant of the White House. The former has recently claimed that the Republicans are «cozying up to the former head of the KGB», which therefore must be the unalloyed truth – and indeed, we all have noted how leading members of that party are cozying up to the only «former head of the KGB» alive today, one Vadim Viktorovich Bakatin. The newspapers – and not doubt, TV – are full of it….


  2. And now Obama made a speech saying that Trump is only a symptom of a larger problem. Conveniently omitting that he is himself part of the problem

    1. Yes! He blamed politicians, and inferred a certain kind, the very right wing types. I think he actually knows how hypocritical this is. It’s what makes him such a great politician to some. They forgive him and say, “no one could have navigated things so artfully, with a joke here and there, the understanding of a Harvard trained lawyer.”. Obama is part of the very disease. You could say he is at the heart of it, along with all the Democratic party leaders.

  3. Uncle Tom Obama

  4. Slow learner.

  5. Thanks, Dwayne Booth, aka: Mr. Fish for this…I’ve been waiting patiently for ~2 years to heave this sigh of relief….

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