1. Fundamental truths hurt those in power. Keep on keepin’ on Fish. I’m throwing out all of my Kool Aid.

  2. An accurate picture of reality is destabilizing to a political order dependent on the unexamined beliefs of the naive.

  3. No, no, Dwayne ! Mr Assange is a threat to democracy, and withal a very nasty man….

    I know, because I read the corporate media in North America and Europe….


    1. If you ask a liberal Democrat, and I did, they will say “I have no sympathy for someone who chooses vindictively to ruin Hillary Clinton’s chance of winning by publishing troves of emails that were incriminating no more so than if a trove of Trump Inc emails were released.”. Since the guy who said it is smart, I sort-a understand what he means. I mean that Assange’s motives are important to consider in relation to what is happening to him, because all good justice is rather karmic. ON THE OTHER hand, he may have felt no choice, journalistically required to act on data provided, and was completely indifferent and apolitical to election outcomes, and BESIDES…. ahem…. if the person who provided him with stolen emails was trying to rig a government by swinging it to less democracy, they are accomplishing much by giving stuff to Assange so that he could be run into a SuperMax Solitary Confinement Cell. Maybe they should be jailed for fuc_+#ing us over

      I just mean, if we are going to talk, let’s present the case that those who voted for Hillary have against Assange and bring it to light so we can have a discussion about democracy and politics. Not easy. Personally, I’m for journalists, and fear what the persecution of Assange may mean for our dying democracy.

      1. May 24, 2019 at 6:56 pm Reply
        And we probably would have Trump regardless. Who knows?

  4. Brilliant.

    1. And we probably would have Trump regardless. Who knows?

  5. The New York Times Magazine will be calling shortly, to feature Mr. Fish in an upcoming issue. They plan on using your Blowin’ in the Whistle pièce de résistance as the centerpiece of the article, and one example of your Rabelaisian genius. Please keep channeling the third rails of US hypocrisy.

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