Support Mr. Fish on Patreon!

Become a Patron!

What is Patreon? It’s a membership platform that allows artists to share material that is unavailable anywhere else in the whole wide world. That’s right, it’s exclusive content that only you and other subscribers will have access to, and for as little as $1 per month! (A list of rewards and incentives is listed on my Patreon page.)

Specifically, I created my Patreon page to share not only artwork, cartoons, sketches and unpublished chapters from books that I’m working on, but also chapters from a new graphic novel called For Christ’s Sake and a serialized comic strip called HUCK, ETC.

And, yes, the page was also created to help me feed myself and to pay my bills because it’s damn near impossible to get any one of the six major media conglomerates, all of whom control the overwhelming majority of information exchange in this country, to pay me for saying FUCK CORPORATIONS AND POWER TO THE PEOPLE! over and over again with my cartoons. Ain’t that a kick in the head? Thanks in advance for your support!

Here’s a taste of some of the behind-the-scenes crap I’ll be sharing on Patreon: