


  1. So brilliant and moving – I think even Joni would approve!

  2. as a teacher i couldn’t help but think of the education system when i first saw this. failing school? throw money at it! that doesn’t work? take money away! punish them! better yet? privatize it! money is to be our savior. nevermind the outdated and dumb downed curriculum, teaching to the tests, and the general consensus in this country that education is here to indoctrinate and placate, as opposed to liberate. money is to our savior.

    1. so good i had to say it twice?

  3. i’m a teacher. couldn’t help but think of the education system when i first saw this. money is to be our savior. failing school? throw money at it! better yet, privatize it! nevermind the outdated and dumbed down curriculum, teaching to the test, and general use of education in this country to not liberate but indoctrinate. money is to be our savior.

  4. Beautiful.

  5. “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.”
    ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan


    Every time a child says, ‘I don’t believe in fairies,’ there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead—Peter Pan

    And so, dear children, we must always believe in the absolute value and power of the fairy dust money that keeps our rulers floating high above us …or maybe effin’ NOT.

  6. You’re a genius. just sayin’

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